We read:
- "Died & Gone to Vegas" by Gautreaux's
- "The Prologue and The Tale of the Wife of Bath" by Chaucer
- "How to Tell a True War Story" by Tim O’Brien
We watched:
- Bolduc-Simpson's Considering Characterization
- Bolduc-Simpson's Exploring Point of View
- YouTube video Vietnam War Through O’Brien’s The Things They Carried
This week I learned how to read differently. I chose to create a wordle based on Rat's character in O'Brien's story. I had to really look at the characters thoughts, actions, and feelings to form a judgement about their character. I dove right into the assignment because I was truly moved by O'Brien's work.
I loved seeing the professor's video lessons. She has a great speaking voice and is very clear. I find I learn and remember a great deal from those lessons.
Unfortunately, I found the "Wife of Bath" very difficult to understand. I missed any discussions and I was disappointed that it almost got swept under the rug.
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