Oh my, I was so nervous to start this class! I haven't been in college for three years! However, I immediately had a good feeling when I met our professor. She was warm and had a great energy. I found out that this was a hybrid class, meaning half of our work would be online! Though I have grown up in the "Internet generation" I never considered myself computer savvy, and I was apprehensive about my ability to perform.
We read Cheever's "Reunion" and Atwood's "Happy Endings" and wrote our own plot description based on the threads from "Happy Endings". The plot description was to be written and explained in a power point using graphics and it was intended to explore elements of plot: exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution. Honestly, I felt a little silly after writing my posting my work to the class's online drop-box because although I think I made a fun and appropriate power point, I wrote a two-page story, not a plot description.
Although I initially misunderstood the intentions of the assignment, I did learn how break down a story, through creating a power point, using the elements of plot.
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